Escrow service

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Made 13 deals worth $573

instabay | 80$ | in: "JEFFERSON ROD COMPANY":
Super cooperative and straightforward buyer, and a very smooth sale, all recommendations from me!
@twitterplus | 20$ | twitter: "Ruhani Singh":
Good 👍 I
SELLARME | 55$ | twitter: "Bulbul Rani🎈":
Nice to meet you 🙏
SELLARME | 55$ | twitter: "Rima Gupta":
My favourite person this 🤗🫂
SELLARME | 55$ | twitter: "Kanchan Ji🌹♥️🤎💚💙💜":
Nice buyer 🫂
SELLARME | 45$ | twitter: "Rekha Kumari":
SELLARME | 50$ | twitter: "prity":
Thank you
SELLARME | 50$ | twitter: "Sunita devi":
Please try again with me 😍😍👍👍🙏🙏💞💞🫂🫂
@twitterplus | 80$ | twitter: "nfttrade":
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Escrow agent
