Escrow service

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Reviews ( +140-0 ):

Made 29 deals worth $18 088

scandivito | 490$ | youtube: "Cid Team Short 1.0":
Everything is cool! Great Man
THE NOTHING | 1300$ | youtube: "Dekker NkN":
Good deal
milesogu | 150$ | youtube: "RealGrow Dark":
Thanks for good deal
Zee Seller | 701$ | youtube: "Aviraj Singh":
Thanks my friend!
fuf1k8 | 375$ | youtube: "Лучшая музыка и ремиксы":
Good Seller
Zee Seller | 580$ | youtube: "VOOSIFY":
Thanks my friend!
Zee Seller | 699$ | youtube: "The Angle ":
Nice buyer ! thanks for buyng my channel !
Yt Network | 450$ | youtube: "VoiceOver":
Great buyer
Mr_x | 250$ | youtube: "Gadgets 4 G":
EDWiN_PML_YT | 300$ | youtube: "Caucasus Star":
Good deal💥
EDWiN_PML_YT | 300$ | youtube: "MUSIC MEDIA":
Great man, very fast
A Nice Day | 750$ | youtube: "ZuZi Sound Variations":
Good Seller
FAME4U | 1499$ | youtube: "ChessWolf":
Very kind buyer who was even willing to transfer money in advance so there was no risk for the seller. Very nice person also. Was a joy to do business with him.
REMARKSSA | 1150$ | youtube: "MiX Dz":
Very cool buyer nice deal!
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