Escrow service
Listed: 1 month ago UP: 3 weeks ago Views: 131

Net Rippers

Fitness & Sports |

2 300 — subscribers

$0 — income (month)

$0 — expense (month)

$ 400


100% monetized YouTube channel
Amount of subscribers: 1600
Country of subscribers (majority): top USA
Topic/Niche: football
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): organic

Description: it has made 12$ in just 2 weeks i started posting football short videos 2 weeks ago and it already have over 100,000 views in just 2 weeks is this channel house potential to make 1k to 2k every month you can post long form video to if you want to buy it please message me
Payment method crypto

Monetization enabled: not provided

Ways of promotion: Organically I post a video and YouTube will recommended it

Sources of expense: I created the videos myself so there is no expense

Sources of income: YouTube Google AdSense

To support the channel, you need: Nothing just make one minute or 30 second videos

Content: Not unique content

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Escrow agent
