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Listed: 15 hours ago UP: 15 hours ago Views: 58

APEX翻訳JAPAN 【毎日投稿】

Games |

39 400 — subscribers

$3 000 — income (month)

$1 000 — expense (month)

$ 32 000


This is a Japanese gaming channel that translates APEX Legends content.
It has a highly engaged audience and a stable monthly revenue.
The main viewers are from Japan, and the content is uploaded daily.

日本のゲーミングチャンネルで、APEX Legendsの翻訳コンテンツを投稿しています。

Monetization enabled: not provided

Ways of promotion: The channel grew organically through YouTube SEO and recommendations.
No paid promotions were used.

Sources of expense: Main expenses: video editing outsourcing and thumbnails.
Approximately $1,000 per month is spent on these services.

Sources of income: Main income source: YouTube Partner Program (Ad revenue).
Monetization is fully enabled, and the revenue is stable.

To support the channel, you need: No special skills are required.
All video creation is outsourced, and we will transfer the outsourcing process to the buyer, so no skills are needed.
However, if you can translate from English to Japanese and edit videos yourself, you can reduce outsourcing costs.

Content: Rewritten content

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