Escrow service
Listed: 1 month ago UP: 6 hours ago Views: 390


Games |

1 280 000 — subscribers

$0 — income (month)

$0 — expense (month)

$ 6 300


The channel was created on May 22, 2012 (old creation date)
Total number of views 350,800,000 (videos hidden)
Total videos: 723 (videos hidden)
Number of subscribers: 1.290.000
Previously there was monetization, then it was turned off because there was no required number of hours.
Audience: Russia

Payment is more convenient with cryptocurrency: USDT-TRC20
I'll be glad to answer your questions

*Please do not use the channel under the name TheNakuName - please change the channel name and hide the videos

Monetization enabled: no

Ways of promotion: not provided

Sources of expense: not provided

Sources of income: not provided

To support the channel, you need: not provided

Content: Unique content

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Discussion: 0

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Escrow agent
