Escrow service
Listed: 3 months ago UP: 2 days ago Views: 574


Games |

27 900 — subscribers

$125 — income (month)

$0 — expense (month)

$ 180


AGED 2007

this channel is extremely valuable to anyone who decides to purchase it. T1 audiences and an active subscriber base around roblox and gaming, this can either be turned into an evergreen cashcow channel or an affiliate offer promoting cashcow. Both work, and both are very valuable. I would be willing to assist in helping you establish an income from the channel and i can prove my own personal income to any serious buyers.

selling this to focus on my exams and thus i dont have the time to run/post videos on it anymore

crypto only accepted

Monetization enabled: no

Ways of promotion: not provided

Sources of expense: not provided

Sources of income: Afilliate offers on long form videos and live tsreams

To support the channel, you need: not provided

Content: Unique content

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Escrow agent
