Escrow service
Listed: 3 weeks ago UP: 1 week ago Views: 211

oBe4ka_ Ball

Humor |

79 200 — subscribers

$0 — income (month)

$0 — expense (month)

$ 450


❗️Channel "oBe4ka_ Ball" - Channel for cuts and animations.

❗️Has 30.9kk views for all time. It was registered in 2020, at your request I can connect 3 functions.

❗️Geolocation of the audience - Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.

❗️Every video crashes. The channel has good assets and good views.

❗️There is a warning that does not affect anything. For all screenshots, please contact me.

Monetization enabled: no

Ways of promotion: not provided

Sources of expense: not provided

Sources of income: not provided

To support the channel, you need: not provided

Content: Unique content

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Discussion: 0

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