Youtube channel "TIRAMISU" for sale
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Listed: 1 month ago UP: 4 days ago Views: 135


Models & Celebrities |

389 000 — subscribers

$0 — income (month)

$0 — expense (month)

$ 1 600


You can see detailed information about the channel in the screenshots, you can also write and I will answer any of your questions.
Hello, I would like to introduce to your attention the channel: TIRAMISU. This channel achieved all its indicators completely organically. All subscribers and views were received without cheating or cheating, all videos on YouTube were actively promoted on their own. The content on the channel is completely copyrighted, and you don't have to worry about anything happening to the channel. This YouTube channel was actively promoted by YouTube and by purchasing it you can change the theme to any without losing viewers and views, but you can also continue the theme of this channel, the choice will be yours. The main thing is to produce original, high-quality content and you will definitely achieve results on this channel. During its existence, the channel received 91.3 a million views and 5.1 a million hours of viewing.
Impressions: 369.900.000
This channel has a 7.5% lifetime click rate and an average watch time of 3:23. The numbers are decent, but they can easily be increased if you engage with this channel. If you take on this channel and do everything right, you will definitely succeed.
The channel is not stolen, it will not be banned, which cannot be said about other advertisements on the exchange where there are stolen channels.
Any other information = contact me. If you still have channels, write to me and I will be glad to help you.

Monetization enabled: no

Ways of promotion: Продвигалось полностью на органике , не было использовано накруток и тому подобному , ютуб сам продвигал ролики

Sources of expense: The first thing you can invest in a channel is your time, emotions and knowledge. If you have a budget and want to speed up the process, you can buy advertising, but this is not the most important thing, you can easily do it without it if you get serious about it.

Sources of income: You can monetize this channel and make money from it, you can sell advertising in videos, you can also use the channel for business development, through referral links, selling your own products and much more. You can earn money in many ways, the choice is yours.

To support the channel, you need: It was promoted entirely organically, there were no promotions or the like, YouTube promoted the videos itself

Content: Unique content

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