Youtube channel "Better Self" for sale
Escrow service
Listed: 1 month ago UP: 1 month ago Views: 45

Better Self

YouTube shorts & Facebook reels | (the seller has hidden the link)

9 720 — subscribers

$50 — income (month)

$0 — expense (month)

$ 200


I started this account around 8 months ago and got to 10k subscribers quite quickly posting motivational and educational videos. Some shorts have millions of views. The reason Im selling this is because I don't have time anymore to make and post videos.

Monetization enabled: no

Ways of promotion: Didnt really promote it in any way. Just posted once or twice a day and stayed consistent.

Sources of expense: No expenses. All videos were made by me

Sources of income: A couple partnership with health brands

To support the channel, you need: Posting quality content consitently and also promoting the channel more.

Content: Mixed content

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